As a mother of one, pregnant with my second, I have a vested interest in making this, my second labor and delivery, better than the first.
Not that it was bad. I went into labor naturally and labored at home until my contractions were five minutes apart for at least an hour. I had a vaginal delivery with minimal tearing and a healthy baby boy. And, I was able to breastfeed for over a year.
But, during my pregnancy I spent so much time reading about pregnancy and the newborn that I neglected the part about HAVING A BABY!
My intention with the birth of my son was to labor as long as I could and then if I needed an epidural, to get one. I mean, that's what all women do, right?
It wasn't until after I had my first child that I really started thinking about all the aspects of his birth that I didn't love.
Like how I wasn't allowed freedom of movement. And how my OB broke my water without discussion. And how after my water was broken I asked the nurse if I should go ahead and get an epidural or wait and see. And how she replied, "Honey, it's only gonna get worse."
(My full birth story here...)
Like I said, it wasn't a bad experience, but looking back, those are the things I would change. And so, I am planning a natural birth this time around.
I have already hired a doula, one that my OB recommends (a patient of hers, no less!) I'm practicing relaxation and yoga. And, I'm in the process of reading everything I can get my hands on about natural birth.
Enter Unbound Birth by Jennifer Yarbrough.
I read this book in one sitting. It was THAT good. THAT easy to read.
Unbound Birth is a book for women like me who have decided to have a natural birth in the hospital, but need some encouragement. Who want to hear real success stories, not just statistics.
It is also for women who aren't sure what they want, but are interested in learning more about a natural birth in the hospital.
There is "if I were you" advice on how to really have a natural birth in the hospital. Relaxation tips for getting through the pain of labor. Often neglected information on why the baby's position is important. And a sample birth plan. All in under 60 pages!
Jenny provides recommended reading if you want to learn more, but you just might find that this book is enough!
Unbound Birth is not preachy. It is not pretentious. And, it is not pricey!
Do yourself a favor and read Unbound Birth before you decide what kind of labor and delivery you'd like to have. I wish this book had been available before I had my first child. I'm sure I could have squeezed 58 pages into my library and I just may have had a birth I LOVE!
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I am SO glad that you like like book, Aron! You are so kind. I know that you have what it takes to have the birth that YOU desire this time, a birth where you make the decisions. I'm so proud of you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.