I remember the first time I heard Kim at The Village Chapel pray for you. You, a tiny little image bearer.
You were still in your mother's womb, but I remember thinking that doctors don't know everything and that since I had worked with children with disabilities, including diagnoses like "incompatible with life", that not only could you survive, but thrive.
I remember praying for you every time I saw your name on the prayer list, Pearl Joy Brown. And, whenever I'd tell someone about you, I always said your whole name. Emphasizing the Joy. Still do.
Now that you're here, and thriving, I count it all joy to continue to pray for you. To rejoice in photos of you on Twitter. And to tell others about you. Pearl Joy Brown.
I pray that your life will be evidence that God still works miracles. Doctors said you were impossible.
I rejoice in your beautiful red hair and soulful big eyes. My own children have red hair, so I may be biased there. But, no one can deny the wonder in your eyes. They are convincing and convicting.
I tell others about you because, Pearl, your story is a reminder that we are not in charge. It is not up to us to decide which babies get to live and which ones to die. Which ones survive and which ones thrive.
May you and your family be blessed beyond measure. More than we could ask or imagine. And may all those who hear your story be transformed in mind and heart, with joy.
Hoping to meet you soon,
True and lovely words. Thank you, Aron, for sharing your letter to Pearl. And hope to meet you one Sunday soon!