Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Whole30:Day 9

Good evening faithful followers!

Scott and I are watching Curb Your Enthusiasm and it's totally ridiculous.  Apparently Larry David is worth $900 million dollars.  The more you know.

Today's menu is almost identical to yesterday...

This morning I ate and drank my usual; frittata and hot lemon water.  Once at work I had a hot cup-a-decaf-joe.

For a morning snack I ate fruit salad and for lunch I ate the same salad I had yesterday.

The salad didn't seem to keep me full for long so I ate trail mix not long afterward.

Later in the afternoon I ate raw celery and carrots with chicken salad, again, and had another hot cup-a-decaf-joe.

No applesauce today, but I probably should have had that for dinner because I had another upset tummy today.  Nothing major and according to the Whole30 it is completely normal as my body adjusts to all of the meat, vegetables, fruit and tree nuts I'm eating.

Dinner was the same as yesterday and I even have some left over for lunch tomorrow.

The past two mornings I haven't hopped outta bed like Tigger, but I also haven't had quite the afternoon lull as last week.

I'm not sure about a night cap of cashew butter and almond milk, but either way, I stayed on track today and am ready for tomorrow!

How was your Tuesday?


  1. YAY! So proud of you!!!!!!

    Pizza Eater

    1. Ha! Thanks Pizza Eater! I think I know who you are. :-)
