Monday, June 20, 2016

Whole30:Day One

Today is the first day of summer. Summer Solstice. The longest day of the year and my favorite day of the year!

I celebrated by taking my dog for a walk (Literally!  Ewwww.) and pulling weeds until the daylight was gone.

Today I also started the Whole30 and I think it went well.  I did feel hungry quite a bit, but then again, I typically eat every two hours.  Right Stacey?

You wanna know what I ate today?  Okay, I'll tell ya.

This morning I drank hot lemon water, my usual, and ate a frittata.  The frittata consisted of eggs, sausage, spinach and red pepper.  It was very good and I didn't even have to add any seasonings.  I made the frittata last night in order to save time this morning.  And, it should last through Thursday.

When I got to work a couple hours later I was hungry, but drank a hot cup of decaf coffee before eating my snack, a fruit salad consisting of strawberries, blueberries, peaches and pears.  The fruit salad was also previously made so all the fruit had time to soften while the flavors married.  That's a thing, right?  Flavors marrying?

For lunch I ate salad with grape tomatoes, avocado, and leftover pork loin.  I usually don't use any salad dressing because I usually have cottage cheese and it adds the creaminess I crave.  So instead of trying to find or make a Whole30 compliant dressing I just skipped it.  The loin was warm and added chewing satisfaction to each bite and the avocado added some creaminess.  I drank naturally flavored seltzer water, as I typically do.

An hour or two later I felt hungry so I ate a serving of raw almonds and raisins.  I totally forgot that I had pumpkin seeds and coconut pieces at home, so tomorrow I'm going to mix all of that for a trail mix and hope that the protein, carb, fat combo holds me over a little longer.

Stacey, my coworker and I, were both yawning around 3:00 and decided it was time for an afternoon Cup-a-Joe.  While mine was brewing I ate two slices of red pepper and turkey bologna.  I think my afternoon lull was a bit worse than usual, but we were slow at work so that could have been the real culprit.

Just prior to heading home I ate a serving of unsweetened applesauce and it was plenty sweet even for a sugar addict like me.

Since I work on Mondays and Tuesdays my wonderful husband makes dinner those nights.  He gets home before me and usually cooks something Mexican.  It's all Mexican Monday and Taco Tuesday up in here!

Tonight he made taco salad and mine consisted of green leaf lettuce, ground beef with homemade taco seasoning, avocado, olives and jalapenos.  It wasn't until I was building my salad that I realized I hadn't checked the salsa ingredients.  Guess what?  It has sugar in it.  Surprise!  Not.

Since I couldn't have salsa I may have gone a little overboard on the jalapenos.  My mouth was on fire and to put it out I tasted the cashew and almond butters I bought yesterday to replace my legume butter (a.k.a. peanut butter.)

Once the kids were in bed, weeds pulled and mama showered, I made myself a frozen banana, unsweetened cocoa and almond milk smoothie.  It hit the spot and now mama is going to bed.

My thoughts on the first day are that I felt a little more hungry and tired than usual in the afternoon (when I would normally eat dairy) and I snacked more than Dallas and Melissa Hartwig would approve.  I also just finished that smoothie, but they recommend to stop eating a few hours before bed.  I'm guessing they don't eat dinner at 5:30.

What are your thoughts so far?


  1. Well, I'd say- Day one was successful and really sounded chocked full 'o delicious foods. Congrats on day one down and 29 to go, MommioAndretti. - Scarlett (not Mark)
